Friday, February 17, 2012

What is Your Destination?

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. – Matthew 6:33

This past weekend, I took my son, Jacob, to visit Central College in Pella, IA.  In order to find our way, I put the address of our destination into our GPS and before we even pulled out of the garage our route was laid out before us.  The GPS knew the roads we would need to take based on our destination. 

Life is like that, our ultimate destination, what we seek, determines the journey in life that we must take to get there.  For example, if we seek wealth, our lives will be lived in such a way to obtain greater wealth.  If we seek pleasure and comfort, our goal in life will be to make ourselves more comfortable.  If we seek praise and honor, our actions and behaviors will be guided trying to meet the expectations of others.

Jesus says that our destination, what we seek, should first and foremost be God’s Kingdom and his righteousness.  If that is our destination then how we live our lives, our actions and behaviors, will be lived focused on the Kingdom of God.  What is your life destination?  I am not just talking about an eternal destination, but your destination for this year, week, day, even this very minute.  Make your destination God’s Kingdom and your life (i.e. actions, behaviors, thoughts, goals, dreams, etc…) will naturally be shaped to arrive at that destination.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for you Kingdom and your righteousness.  Forgive me when I seek other things first.  Help me to place your Kingdom as the destination for my life. Amen.

Faith Tip:  Think about your life journey.  Where is that journey taking you?  What is shaping that journey?  What is your ultimate destination?          

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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