Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Trail Blazers

This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’”  Matthew 3:3

For the daily devotional today I would like to share with you a devotional that someone sent to me when they heard about the new partnership that we are forming with Crosswinds.  I believe this devotional is very affirming and encouraging to the work we are doing as a church.

Blazing New Paths

By Elizabeth O'Connor

When the church starts to be the church it will constantly be adventuring out into places where there are no tried and tested ways. If the church in our day has few prophetic voices to sound above the noises of the street, perhaps in large part it is because the pioneering spirit has become foreign to it. It shows little willingness to explore new ways. Where it does it has often been called an experiment. We would say that the church of Christ is never an experiment, but wherever that church is true to its mission it will be experimenting, pioneering, blazing new paths, seeking how to speak the reconciling Word of God to its own age.

Source: Call to Commitment

Prayer:  Thank you Lord that following you is always an adventure.  You never promised that it would be easier, but you do promise that you will be with us.  Help us to blaze new paths and be pioneers in our life, families, church, schools, workplaces, community and world for the glory of your Kingdom.  Amen.

Faith Tip:  Where do you need to be blazing new paths today for the glory of God?

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