Tuesday, December 6, 2011

All I Want for Christmas

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. – Romans 5:5

This is the time of the year when children are making their Christmas lists and checking them twice, making sure that they haven’t forgotten something that they hope to get for Christmas.  Christmas is a time of great expectation as children anticipate Christmas day when they hope their Christmas lists become more than just words on a page.

The Advent season is a time of expectation.  As Christians we await with great anticipation the second coming of Christ.  But the hope we have in Christ is very different then the worldly hope with which children create their Christmas wishes.  The hope we have in Christ is sure, certain and guaranteed.  This is a hope that will never disappoint us.  When Christmas comes children may not receive everything they have put on their wish list and their worldly hopes will soon fade away.  But with our hope in Christ we can be assured that there will certainly be a day when Christ returns again.  Alleluia!

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for the hope that we have in Christ.  Thank you that this hope will never disappoint us.  In this Advent season, help me to hope with great expectation for Christ to come again.  Amen.

Faith Tip:  A child is filled with joy and excitement as they look forward to Christmas.  Does joy and excitement fill your life and soul as you look forward to the coming of Christ?  If not think of ways to give yourself an expectant outlook in each and every day?  How might looking forward to Christ’s return change the way you live your life?
Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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