Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Worry Less, Trust More

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? – Luke 12:25-26

The beginning of a new year can be exciting for some as they look forward to the possibilities and opportunities that await.  For some, however a new year can cause worry and anxiety.  Some might worry this year will be as bad as the last or that it might even be worse.  They worry that in this year they might go deeper in debt, struggle with health issues, wrestle with relationships, or just coast through another year without accomplishing what they want in life.

Jesus says that it is not our place or responsibility to worry about the future, because we do not control the future.  We cannot predict what will happen in this day, let alone what will happen in the year to come.  Only God knows what tomorrow will bring.  So instead of beginning this year with worry, begin by trusting that God has given you a new year filled with blessings and plans that our good.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord that you hold my future in your hands.  Forgive me when I try to pull that future out of your hands and into mine with my worry.  Help me to realize that worrying does not help my future, but only destroys the happiness of the present that you have giving me.  Amen.

Faith Tip:  What are you worried about?  Make a New Year’s resolution to worry less and trust more knowing that God is in control of your future.

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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