Friday, November 19, 2010

Playdoh Hearts

I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 11:19)

I recently took some playdoh that I had sitting around to a mentoring session with a fourth grader. I had four different colors for them to choose from. The canisters were never open, so I thought they would be delighted to be the first to use it. Unfortunately, the playdoh was hard in all four canisters. It only crumbled and was not flexible at all. We were disappointed because it wasn’t any fun in this condition.

Our hearts can be like that playdoh—stiff, hard, crumbling, inflexible. We can make choices to try to be a better person and care about others more. Honestly, there is nothing we can do without seeking God. God is the one that gives us a heart of flesh that is loving, caring and obedient to him. As our relationship with God is built on, we will see things the way that God sees them and care about the things that God cares about. In true obedience and desire, we will follow God where he sends us, speak his words, and show his love. It won’t be just a practice session of “being good,” it will be who we truly are because of the transforming power of God.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for changing my heart. You have been faithful from the beginning and have plans for me to use my heart of flesh for your kingdom. I pray that I will continually sit at your feet and drink in who you are. Amen.

Faith tip: Time for a heart check. Ask God if there are any areas in which transformation is needed, and then open your heart to whatever work he wants to do in you.

Written by Kathy Bruins

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