Monday, January 17, 2011

God of All Comfort

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. – 2 Corinthians 1:3

As I write this devotion I am sitting in my nice warm kitchen with a freshly-brewed hot cup of coffee looking out the window at the beautiful white winter landscape. Nothing says comfort like a hot cup of coffee on a cold January morning. Where do you find comfort? Maybe wrapping up in a fleece blanket while reading a good book, dozing in your favorite recliner while watching a game on T.V., having dinner with friends, going hunting with the guys, or shopping with the gals…..the list is endless and different for everyone.

Paul reminds us that God is the one who provides all these things to bring us comfort, because God is the God of all comfort. Did you notice that word “all”? That means that God doesn’t provide just some comfort, but he gives us all our comfort. We often think about God providing spiritual comfort, but he is also the provider of emotional as well as physical comfort. Are you feeling uncomfortable today? If you are feeling uncomfortable due to stress, anxiety, illness, depression, pain, sadness, grief…whatever is making you uncomfortable today give it to God. In his loving arms you will find the comfort you need to make it through this day.

Prayer: Thank you God that you are the God of ALL comfort. Forgive me when I fail to seek comfort in you and I try to solve my problems alone. Help me to lean on you and find comfort in your loving arms. Amen.

Faith Tip: Find a quiet comfortable place today and pray or read the Bible and enjoy the comfort of being in the Lord’s presence.

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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