Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Remembering Christ's Sufferings

But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. – 1 Peter 4:13

Yesterday’s devotion reminded us of the new life that we have in Christ, but with that promise of life we must remember that as believers we also share in Christ’s death. Lent is a time to remind us that we participate in Christ’s sufferings.

You might wonder why we should dwell on Christ’s sufferings at all when the resurrection has already happened; when we can now proclaim that Christ is risen and he is alive! We can and we do proclaim this on Easter, but without Lent we would be celebrating the resurrection without remembering the cross. And without the cross the resurrection would lose its meaning; there would be no reason for an Easter celebration.

Lent is a time to help us participate in the sufferings of Christ. It is in Lent when we are reminded that we are sinners. That is why many Christians during Lent participate in some act of suffering by giving up something for Lent, participating in a time of fasting, a time of repentance or meditation on sin and weakness. When we use the time during Lent to remember the suffering that Christ endured and remember that we share these suffering with Christ, it provides greater significance to our celebration of Easter and makes it all that more special.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for the resurrection and the promise of life, but help me to also remember the cross. Help me to remember the sufferings that Christ endured and that I participate in also, so that I can truly celebrate the meaning of Easter. Amen.

Faith Tip: During the Lenten season do something that will help you participate in the sufferings of Christ. Give up something for a time, participate in the Holy Week services and activities at church, take time to fast or meditate. You will find that it will provide greater significance to your Easter celebration.

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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