Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Birthday Celebration

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. – Luke 2:6-7a

Today is my birthday. This evening I look forward to celebrating with my family by eating cake, opening presents and going out for dinner. Spending the evening with my family will be the best birthday gift of all, without my family the cake, presents and dinner would be nothing. But just think what it would be like without me! Imagine how I would feel if I came home to find that my family ate the birthday cake, opened the presents and went out to eat without me. The birthday celebration would seem meaningless without the birthday boy.

Celebrating a birthday without the birthday boy sounds ridiculous, but in two days we will celebrate the birthday of Jesus and many will celebrate and leave Jesus out of the celebration. They will gather with family and friends, open presents and eat wonderful meals, but they will forget why they are celebrating. Imagine how that must make Jesus feel to see so many people celebrating his birthday and not inviting the birthday boy to the celebration. This Christmas remember to make Jesus the center of your celebration.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus that we are able to celebrate your birth on Christmas. Forgive us when we forget to invite you to the party. Help us to remember why we celebrate. Amen.

Faith Tip: As part of your Christmas celebration do something to bring Jesus to the center of your celebration. Maybe read the Christmas story, sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus, before opening presents go around and share what you feel is the best gift that Jesus has given to you in this year, etc…. There are many ways to remember Jesus at Christmas.

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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