Friday, October 14, 2011

Limited Knowledge

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. – Psalm 139:6

The other day I was telling my daughter Joy how she was born with a hole in her heart.  I told her it was a God shaped hole.  Her eyes grew big and she said, “Really?”  I told her “No, not really?”  But as I thought about it I wondered, “How do I know?”  I can’t see inside her heart and if I could, I don’t know the shape of God.  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

Since the time that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge humans have over-estimated the knowledge they actually have.  We tend to think that we know more than we actually do.  We uphold ideas as concrete truths when in actuality they are no more than a hypothesis or a guess.  When you really think about it, our knowledge is very limited, especially compared to the knowledge of God.  That is why we must always lean not on our own understanding, but trust in the Lord with all our heart.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for the knowledge that you have given to me.  Forgive me when I think too highly of my limited knowledge and follow my own understanding instead of trusting completely in you.  Amen.

Faith Tip:  Is there a decision in your life that you are trying to make?  If so look at what you know and what you don’t know and then seek God’s will and direction to make the right decision.   

Written By Pastor Aaron Anderson

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