Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Variety in God's Creation

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.  – Genesis 1:11

I have been helping my daughter, Alyssa, with her leaf project for her sixth grade science class.  This project entails gathering leaves from twenty different trees and identifying the type of tree by its leaf.  This can be difficult at times to differentiate, for example, a black oak from a pin oak or a red maple from a sugar maple.  Helping Alyssa with this project has made me aware of how many different varieties of trees there are in God’s creation.

When God created the trees he could have created one type of tree, but he didn’t.  In Genesis it says that God created various kinds of trees, each one different with different bark, trunks, branches and leaves.  This difference is what makes our world so beautiful and we see that beauty especially this time of year as the leaves change to vibrant colors of orange, yellow and red.

Like the trees God created each one of us different, with different personalities, experiences, looks, abilities, languages, etc…  God could have made us all the same, but he didn’t.  And our differences make the world a beautiful place to live.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for the beauty of your creation.  Thank you for the infinite variety that makes this world an interesting and beautiful place to live.  Help me to embrace these differences and see the beauty in every part of your creation and in every person.  Amen.

Faith Tip:  Take a walk today or sometime soon and see how many different types of trees you see as you enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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