Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Marching In Step With Jesus

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; - Colossians 1:17-18a

Last night my family attended a marching band festival to watch my daughter march for West Ottawa’s band. (This is a picture of the band.)  It was enjoyable to see the various schools’ march.  It is amazing how all those students can play such powerful and beautiful music while at the same time marching around the field in perfect precision.  This is all because every band has at least one or two drum majors that stand at the front of the band and provide direction.  Without these leaders the band members would be marching to their own beat and playing whatever tempo they felt like.  It would go from something beautiful to something chaotic.

The church is like a marching band, we are held together by the head who is Jesus Christ.  He is the one who stands at the front and provides direction.  In order to carry out ministry with power and precision the church must continually keeps its focus on Christ.  When the focus is not on Christ then there is no leadership and everyone in the church begins to march to their own beat and do what they want to do, and this leads to chaos in the church.  Christ is the head and he holds all things together.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for being the leader of my life.  Help me to keep my focus on you so that I can make beautiful music with my life.  Forgive me when I take my eyes off you.  Amen.

Faith Tip:  Where is Christ leading in your life?  What is he calling you to do?  How you respond is the difference between beauty and chaos in your life and in the church. 

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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