Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Faithful Footsteps

And he is then also the father of the circumcised who not only are circumcised but who also follow in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised. – Romans 4:12

Following “in the footsteps of faith.” What a marvelous phrase Paul uses here in Romans to describe our journey of faith. It reminds me of winters when my children were little and they would follow my footsteps in order to navigate their way through the deep snow.

In order to navigate our way through the journey of faith it is helpful to walk in the footsteps of those who have gone before us. Their footsteps direct our path and inform our way. And as we follow the footsteps of others we make footsteps for those who follow us. Whose footsteps inform your faith journey and who is following in your footsteps of faith?

Prayer: Thank you Lord for the faithful who have gone before me to provide me a path to follow. May my footsteps lead others down paths of righteousness. Amen.

Faith Tip: Reflect on your life and the kind of footsteps you are leaving for future generations. Are you leaving the kind of footsteps that you want others to follow?

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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