Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fulfilling Vows Day After Day

Then I will ever sing in praise of your name and fulfill my vows day after day. – Psalm  61:8

Today Julie and I are celebrating our anniversary.  On this day twenty-one years ago we made vows to one another that we have been striving to fulfill day after day.  Some days are easier than others.  There are days when we fail and disappoint and there are days when we seem to get it right.  But through all these years God has used those sacred vows to bind us together as one.

Vows are an important part of any relationship.  Vows are promises made to one another to provide security, peace, trust and understanding.  Vows are very important to our covenantal relationship with God.  God has vowed to be our God and be with us always and as Christians, we vow to follow God and his ways and strive to work for his Kingdom.  It is within our vows that we grow closer over the years, both in marriage and also in our relationship with God.

Prayer:  Lord, I thank you for loving me so much that you have made a vow to be my God.  I thank you for that promise and I know that you will never break your promise to me.  Help me to live within these vows day after day.  Amen.

Faith Tip:  Think about the day when you made a promise to follow God.  Maybe it was when you made profession of faith, when you were baptized, or when you made a decision to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Maybe it was more of a process over time.  Whenever it was, remember that promise and celebrate it.  If you have not made that promise to God, then make that promise today!  

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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