Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Stiff Neck

“I have seen these people,” the LORD said to Moses, “and they are a stiff-necked people.” – Exodus 32:9

As a boy, I remember one day lying on my bed when my brother came in and sat down on the bed with his head cocked way to one side.  He complained that his neck was stiff and he couldn’t move it.  I thought he was joking around so I quickly, but gently, took my foot and gave a swift kick to his head.  His head snapped upright.  I thought he might be mad, but instead he said, “Wow, thanks, my neck isn’t stiff anymore.”  It turns out he was telling the truth and my kick had healed his stiff neck!

No matter how old we are, we can become a stiff-necked person.  We can be obstinate, inflexible and stuck in our ways.  When we get stiff-necked we become like hardened clay in the hands of the potter and it is difficult for God to work with us, mold us and shape us.  Sometimes we just need a swift kick from the Spirit to heal us from our stiff-necks and make us more open to God’s will for our life.  How is your neck today; is it a little stiff?

Prayer:  Father, forgive me when I become a stiff-necked person and my will becomes hard to bend.  Help me to be more open and pliable in my life so that you can mold me and shape me according to your plan. Amen.

Faith Tip:  Is there an area in your life where you have become stubborn and set in your ways?  Think about that today and find ways to become more open and less stubborn and allow God to shape you according to his plan.       

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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