Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quality vs. Quantity

Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart. - Psalm 119:34

The term, “Quality vs. Quantity” is a term that sparks many debates throughout life.  Is it better to mass-produce a product or make a few quality products?  Is it better to have many friends or just a few very close friends?  Is it better to spend a lot of time with your children or quality time with your children?  For some of these questions the answer depends on the person or circumstance, for others the answer may be both.  With God’s word the answer should be both quality and quantity.

It is good to be in God’s word as often as possible, but if all we are doing is striving for quantity then we are missing the point of being in God’s word.  When we read the Bible for daily devotions or try to read the entire Bible in a set amount of time, we sometimes fall into the trap of just reading the words without gaining understanding.  It is better to read less and gain understanding, than to read a large quantity of God’s word and gain nothing from it.  Is your Bible reading based on both quality and quantity?

Prayer:  God, I thank you for your word.  Help me to be in your word as much as possible, but also help me to gain understanding.  Forgive me when I just read the words and fail to gain understanding.  Help me strive in my Bible reading to achieve a balance of quality and quantity.  Amen.

Faith Tip:  Examine your Bible reading.  Do you have enough quantity?  If not, make more time to read your Bible.  Do you have enough quality?  If not, read your Bible in such a way that you have time to absorb it and gain understanding.  

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson   

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