Monday, August 15, 2011

Days of Our Lives

Show me, LORD, my life’s end and the number of my days;
let me know how fleeting my life is. You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you.  Everyone is but a breath, even those who seem secure. – Psalm 39:3-5

“Like sands through the hour glass so are the days of our lives”, so goes the tagline of the famous soap opera.  This tagline sums up the Psalmist feelings as he discovers how fleeting his life really is.  The Psalmist asks the Lord to reveal to him the number of his days, here on earth, so that he can more appreciate the days he has been given.

Unlike the Psalmist, we often take our days for granted believing that we have many more to spare.  We don’t like to think about the end of our days and so we tend to think that we will live for many, many years.  When a person actually begins to see the end of life they tend to make better use of the days they have been given.  We need to live life like our days are numbered and never take a day for granted.  I saw a bumper sticker that said, “Today is a gift that is why it’s called the Present.”

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for this day.  Help me to receive the gift of this day and make the most of this day that you have given me.  Forgive me when I take my days for granted and let them slip away.  Amen.

Faith Tip:  What can you do in this day to make the most of it for God’s glory?    

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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