Thursday, February 3, 2011

We Can't Shovel Sin

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. – Ephesians 2:8-9

Yesterday, after the storm, my driveway was covered with four-foot snow drifts. I was glad that I had just gotten my snow blower back from being fixed. However, after just a few passes with the snow blower something in it snapped and the auger stopped working. There I was facing a driveway full of snow with just a shovel. After two and a half hours of hard work and a lot of help from the kids we finally had the driveway cleared.

Hard work and determination can clear a driveway full of snow, but they are useless when it comes to saving us from our sin. Our lives are kind of like my driveway; they are covered with a lot of sin. If we try to clear out the sin in our lives, more sin will soon drift right back in. No matter how hard we work or how determined we are, we will never save ourselves from our sins. It is only by God’s grace that sin is totally taken away from our lives. Therefore, we need to stop relying on ourselves and start relying on God. Praise God that by his grace we are saved, and by his grace he also gives us the strength, ability and endurance to shovel snow!

Prayer: Thank you Lord for saving me by your grace. Thank you that you did not leave me to wallow in my own sin with no way out. Help me to stop relying on myself and start relying more on you. Amen.

Faith Tip: Stop trying to earn, achieve and attain your salvation by your own works, because it is useless. Instead rest in the freedom of knowing that God has already saved you by grace and use your good works to glorify God!

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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