Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Where Can I Find Help?

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? - Psalm 121:1

The economists say that the recession has ended. While there are signs that the economy is recovering, there are still many who continue to struggle because they have lost their jobs, income, homes, and any sense of stability in their life. They are asking the same question that the psalmist asks, “Where can I find help?”

It is usually after we suffer a loss when we ask such questions. Whether we lose our health, our security, our savings, a loved one…we seek for something or someone to help us. Where are you looking for help? Is it in the leaders of our country…a political ideology…doctors…lawyers…an employer…yourself???? There is one who can truly help you and that is the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. When you are seeking help, take your problems to the Lord.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for helping me in times of trouble. Help me to lean more on you and less on the things of this world. Please help me with the struggles I encounter today. Amen.

Faith Tip: In what area of your life do you need help today? Take this worry to the Lord and let him help you get through this problem.

Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson

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