A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. – Proverbs 17:22
We have all heard the old saying, “Laughter makes the best medicine.” Over the years studies have shown that there is nothing that ails you that can’t be helped with a little bit of laughter. Laughing helps to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and improve memory, alertness and creativity. Laughter is also good medicine for community. Humor unites people and laughter is understood in any language. Laughter truly is good medicine.
However, life can sometimes take away our reason to laugh. For some it may be hard to remember the last time they had a good laugh. Too many people today are living with crushed spirits and dried up bones. This is not the way God intended for us to live. He wants us to have a cheerful heart, to laugh and enjoy life. When we believe in Jesus and place our life in his hands, he renews a right spirit within us and cures our dried up bones with a good dose of laughter and joy. Take a dose of that good medicine today and find a reason to laugh.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for the gift of laughter. Renew my spirit today so that I may find joy in life. Allow me to smile more often then frown and laugh more than I complain. Amen.
Faith Tip: Maybe today you don’t feel like laughing and that is okay. A person can’t go from sadness to laughter all at once, but they can take small steps in the right direction. A little smile, a joyful thought or reading a humorous story may not bring laughter right away, but it can put us on the path to joy.
Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Children of the Promise
In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring. – Romans 9:8
The other day as I was waiting for my youngest daughter Joy to finish her tap dancing class, the parents were commenting on the energy and enthusiasm of the children. One mother said, “I wish I could be a child again.” I expect this mother’s wish is a common wish for many adults. Wouldn’t it be nice to be a child again, living a life with little worry, no concern about providing for your needs, living a life filled with joy, energy and enthusiasm?
The good news is that wish comes true for us in Jesus Christ. As Paul tells us in Romans, through Jesus Christ we are children again. As children of the promise we are God’s adopted child. Which means that God will love, care and provide for us just as a loving parent provides for their children. Therefore we do not need to live a life of worry and concern. We can just rest in the arms of the Lord and live life with joy, energy and enthusiasm. This is the kind of life that God intended for his children. Makes you want to dance doesn’t it?
Prayer: Thank you Lord that you have adopted me as your child. Thank you that you love, provide and care for me. Forgive me when I forget to trust in you and allow my worries to overwhelm me. Help me live a life that is filled with joy knowing that I am a child of the promise. Amen.
Faith Tip: What is one thing you miss from your childhood? Is it safety, security, love, family, freedom, joy, fun, etc…. Whatever it is, remind yourself that you still have that as a child of God.
Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Looking Through the Fog
For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. – 1 Corinthians 13:12
It is a dreary and foggy morning. As I was driving this morning I noticed how the fog makes everything look less colorful, somewhat out-of-focus and more difficult to see. Here on the lakeshore fog is a common occurrence on cool fall mornings, until the sun comes out and burns it away.
Paul says living on earth is like living in a spiritual fog. Sin, in the world, dulls God’s colorful creation and blurs our focus on Christ. Because of the fog of sin, we are unable to clearly see and understand the Lord’s will for our life and for the world. It is as if we are looking only at a reflection. But one day the Son will come and the fog of sin will be lifted and then we will see and know fully God and his will.
Prayer: Lord, give me eyes of discernment so that I can see you better through the fog of sin. I look forward to the day when Christ will come again and I shall see you face to face. Amen.
Faith Tip: Although we may struggle to fully understand God’s will for our life and the world, we can be assured that although we do not understand it, God’s will is good and perfect. Find comfort today in that assurance.
Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Faith Patterns
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. – Exodus 20:8-9
When Julie makes clothes for our children she always follows a pattern. The pattern helps her know exactly where to cut and sew the fabric so that the finished piece fits correctly and looks nice. If she didn’t have a pattern to follow, no matter how good a seamstress she might be, the clothing would turn out to be a mess.
In the same way God has established patterns to follow in our lives. In this scripture from Exodus, God provides a pattern for our days. He has also established patterns for worship and celebration. As Christians we have patterns within the church calendar and Christian holidays. These patterns of our faith help us to keep balance and stability in our life. When we follow these patterns it provides a “good fit” for our faith. Often, we resist patterns and want to do things our own way. We get bored with same old thing and we want to change it up. However, when we fail to follow God’s patterns, our life often will turn out to be a mess.
Prayer: Thank you Lord, for providing a pattern for my life. Help me to follow the patterns that you have established so that my faith will continue to grow. Forgive me when I fail to follow your patterns and stray from you ways. Amen.
Faith Tip: What is a faith pattern that you have established in your life? Is there a new pattern that you can establish to help you grow in your faith?
Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson
Monday, September 26, 2011
Gifted Service
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. – Romans 12:6a
Last night we enjoyed a wonderful time as we gathered to celebrate the gifts of our church at the annual Gifted Service. There were singers, instrumentalists, readings, beautiful crafts and art, delicious bake goods and a Spirit filled time of singing and praise. It was exciting to see the unique and special gifts that each had to share from young to old.
All these gifts were a testament to the greatness of God. In God’s creative plan he did not make us all the same, instead he created us all uniquely and different in our own way. The diversity in God’s creation is what makes life interesting and enjoyable. We can praise God that we all have unique gifts that make us special and that can be used in different ways to serve in his Kingdom.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for making me special. Thank you for the gifts that I have been given according to your grace. Help me to find ways to use these gifts to serve your Kingdom. Amen.
Faith Tip: What gifts make you special? How can you use those gifts in the service of the Lord? Use your gifts to bring glory to God today.
Written by Pastor Aaron
Friday, September 23, 2011
Beauty from Ashes
…through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. – Romans 5:2-5
As I lay in the MRI machine yesterday, I remembered how a couple of years ago I was brought into the battle of cancer. It was a time of uncertainty as I experienced one test after another, the surgery, chemo and radiation. I now have check-ups that are finally slowing down on the schedule, including the annual MRI test.
Through the last couple of years, God has been faithful in producing in me hope. This is the kind of hope that has a strong foundation to stand on called Jesus. Jesus makes all the difference in the world in everything.
Two days ago, I spent time with a woman in the hospital going through the same surgery I had two years ago. Because of how God carried me through, I was able to encourage her that God would be there for her, too. If God didn’t do this work in me, I wouldn’t have been able to encourage her.
When you are going through a challenge, embrace all the teachings of it knowing God will use it for his kingdom purpose. God knows every detail in our life experience and will use it for good. He has the power to make beauty from ashes.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the work you have done in my life. I pray that each day I recognize your teachings and apply them to my life. Amen
Faith Tip: Consider your trials today and what God may be teaching you through them.
Written by Kathy Bruins
Thursday, September 22, 2011
You Were Chosen
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. – Romans 15:7
Please pick me! I don’t want to be last again, the young girl thought as the students were being chosen by their classmates. Some of us know the anxiety and pain this young girl felt. We were the last to be chosen leaving a deep scar in the heart with the message that we weren’t really wanted.
If we chose teams like this in church, what would our team look like? Would we choose the most beautiful and popular people so our side would really look good, or would we really want everyone on our team? Who would Jesus choose?
He already has. The ones who surround you in worship have been chosen to be a part of that church. To experience the full benefit of bring praise and worship to God, we must accept one another wholeheartedly – just like Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for accepting me to be part of your family. I pray that I fully accept those around me as we gather to worship you with shared hearts. Amen
Faith Tip: Do you feel accepted? You must feel accepted before you can fully accept others. Jesus has accepted you. Live out that truth.
Written by Kathy Bruins
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Living With Risk
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. – 2 Corinthians 13:14
Seeing children at school once again in the fall is always a fun time for me. It’s amazing how much they grow from one year to the next. I love to hear what they did during the summer and what they like about school so far this year. I also find it amazing how well all the students seem to get along and actually spur one another on to do good and achieve more. They genuinely seem to care about one another. It’s a gift they give to one another.
We as Christians also have the opportunity to enjoy the gifts that God has given us in grace, love and fellowship. These are not gifts to put away to keep safe, but gifts we use every day with vulnerability. There is a risk in actively living grace, love and fellowship with one another. But it is a risk well worth taking for if we didn’t, we would not know the true richness of being one with Christ. The human experience is full of ups and downs where our hearts are bruised, but the beauty comes from the overall experience of living as Christ. He is the one who heals and strengthens us for his higher calling.
Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for the calling you have on my life. The challenges I have experienced have made me stronger and more able to serve where you have called me. I pray that I follow you closely each day knowing you are always there with me. Amen
Faith Tip: Be vulnerable today in living out grace, love and fellowship. You are blessed to be a blessing.
Written by Kathy Bruins
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Season of Abundance
Be glad, people of Zion,
rejoice in the LORD your God,
for he has given you the autumn rains
because he is faithful.
He sends you abundant showers,
both autumn and spring rains, as before. – Joel 2:23
rejoice in the LORD your God,
for he has given you the autumn rains
because he is faithful.
He sends you abundant showers,
both autumn and spring rains, as before. – Joel 2:23
I have a friend who lives in Texas where a drought has been experienced. She emailed me the other day with great excitement that it was raining. I don’t remember the last time I was excited about rain for I pretty much take it for granted.
Don’t we do that with most of God’s blessings? He is so faithful to give us what we need in all seasons, and we don’t recognize it or worse feel it is because of what we have done.
Today let us be glad and rejoice in what God has done for us. Praise him for these cooler temps and for the beautiful colors that are changing on the trees. Thank God for all provision especially for the gift of Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I do thank you for all that you give to me today. I pray I recognize you as the source of all my provision. Amen
Faith Tip: Give God a sacrifice of praise today for all he has done for you.
Written by Kathy Bruins
Monday, September 19, 2011
Gentle Warfare
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. – Philippians 4:5
On a day of running errands, I seem to come across an abundance of rudeness such as cars cutting in front of me, a service person not wanting to look at my desk lamp I brought in to see if it could be fixed and going to a restaurant with a friend where the waitress seemed to think we were invisible. Gentleness seemed distant. I saw this verse earlier in the day for a reason. I had to mentally play it through my mind in each instance of interactive challenge I experienced that day. I believe it was through gritted teeth I spoke of this verse to my friend in our restaurant dilemma.
I don’t know why we all experience days like this. I do know that the Lord is always near and cheers us on to do what is right. Perhaps it is an exercise of endurance, a test, or maybe just a time to see how far we have come in patience. The goal is to honor God with all we do. Hopefully, next time I won’t feel the frustration as much choosing the road of experiencing peace rather than feeling wrath.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the unending patience you have for me. I pray that I will be filled with your patience and trust you in all situations. Amen
Faith Tip: When you come across a frustrating situation today, remember the verse and choose the road of peace.
Written by Kathy Bruins
Friday, September 16, 2011
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. - Psalm 27:14
This morning we had to wait for the school bus to come. We waited and waited, until finally we gave up and I drove the girls to school. Waiting is difficult. Waiting is difficult when things don’t happen or people don’t act on our schedule or according to our plans.
God doesn’t act according to our plans and on our schedule. God acts in his own time, but we can be assured that God’s timing is perfect and will never be wrong. So when a prayer doesn’t get answered when we think it should, or when healing or help doesn’t occur when we want it to, that doesn’t mean God isn’t acting, or isn’t listening or doesn’t care. It just means we need to grow in patience and wait on the Lord, even though it is not easy. God’s timing is always right.
Prayer: Thank you Lord that your timing is always right. Forgive me when I become impatient and act on my own time instead of waiting on you. Give me more patience and faith. Amen.
Faith Tip: What are you waiting for from the Lord? Become more patient by focusing on the fact that God is working and he is waiting for just the right time to bring about what you are waiting for.
Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson
Thursday, September 15, 2011
God's Dwelling Place
LORD, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells. – Psalm 26
King David loved the house of the Lord. We don’t know the exact place to which David was referring. It could have been the tabernacle that was in Gibeon . It might have been the tent structure that David had set-up in Jerusalem to hold the Ark of the Covenant. Maybe it was a place by an outdoor altar. Where ever it was, it must have been a place that King David liked to go to feel close to God.
Although God is everywhere, there are special places in our life where we feel God’s presence in unique and special ways. Like David, these are the places we long to be. I am reminded of a song in the musical “Fiddler on the Roof” when the main character, Tevye, is dreaming of how he would spend his time if he was wealthy and didn’t have to work so hard. He says, “If I were rich, I'd have the time that I lack to sit in the synagogue and pray. And maybe have a seat by the Eastern wall. And I'd discuss the holy books with the learned men, several hours every day. That would be the sweetest thing of all.”
It is a sweet thing to be in a place where we feel the presence of God. It brings us peace, contentment, and to a place of quiet rest. Where is that place for you? Make some time today to go to that place and be in God’s presence.
Prayer: Thank you Lord that you are with me where ever I go. Thank you that you provide me with special places in my life where I feel your presence in unique and special ways. Give me more time in my schedule to be in your presence. Amen.
Faith Tip: Where is a place where you feel God’s presence in a special way? Is it a church, an outdoor chapel, a quiet place of meditation…Where ever it might be, make time to visit that place and be with the Lord.
Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
God's Control is Perfect
He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down. – Psalm 104:19
This morning, I looked up in the sky and saw the sun rising in the east and the moon setting in the west. With a backdrop of a bright blue sky and big white billowy clouds, it was a beautiful sight and reminded me of the greatness of our Creator. It was a great way to start the day and a wonderful reminder of who is in control of this day. It is God who tells the sun when to set and when to rise. It is God who tells the heat of summer to give way to the cool crisp fall air. It is God who is in control.
It is comforting to know that our loving Creator is in control of everything in his creation. It is also comforting to know that God controls creation in such way to bring a sense of assurance and stability in our life instead of in a way that would cause us chaos and worry. God created the seasons and the days so that we know what to expect and how to plan. We know when to plant and when to harvest, when to pull out the coats and when to put on the shorts. We know how many hours of daylight we have to finish our work and when the night will come to prepare for bedtime. God’s is in control and his control is perfect and loving.
Prayer: Thank you Lord, that you are in control of your beautiful creation. Thank you, that your control brings a sense of peace and assurance to our daily lives. Your creation reveals the vastness of your love. Amen.
Faith Tip: As summer gently fades into fall and as the daylight gives way to dusk, take some time to thank God for the wonderful way he controls his creation.
Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
What is the Question?

We had just pulled into a parking lot when I spotted a bumper sticker on the car parked in front of us that read, “Jesus is the answer.” I decided to have some fun with the kids, so I asked them to give me a math problem. My elementary aged daughter gave me a simple addition problem to which I quickly replied, “Jesus.” Then my middle-school aged daughter tried to stump me with an algebra problem and I said, “The answer is Jesus!” My high-school son jumped into the game with a tough calculus problem to which I answered, “That is an easy one, the answer is Jesus.” By now my kids were wondering if their dad had lost his marbles and asked me why I was always responding with the answer of “Jesus.” It was then that I pointed to the bumper sticker and we all had a good laugh.
Jesus may not be the answer to a math problem, or to a computer problem or to the problem that’s causing your car to make that funny noise, but Jesus is the answer to life problems, to broken-heart problems, to problems with sin. Have you lost your way in life? Jesus is the way. Do you wonder who or what you can trust in life? Jesus is the truth. Do you feel like you have no joy or fulfillment in life? Jesus is the life. When life seems to have no answers, turn to Jesus.
Prayer: Thank you Jesus that you are the answer to life’s difficult questions. Help me to seek the answer to life’s questions in you and not other things in life. Thank you for providing me with a way, with truth and with life. Amen.
Faith Tip: What is the big life question that you are struggling with or worrying about today? Take time right now to seek the answer in Jesus Christ.
Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson
Monday, September 12, 2011
Objects of Worship
Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens ! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you. – Acts 17:22-23
As Paul walked through the city of Athens he noticed their many objects of worship. He saw objects, statues, altars and temples made from gold, silver and stone and crafted by human hands. Paul knew that these people wanted to believe and worship something or someone, but they had placed their belief and directed their worship in all the wrong places.
If Paul were to walk around in your home, what objects of worship might he find? A television, pocketbook, iPad, computer, smart phone, sports team, job, person, car, clothes, hobby … The list could go on and on and would be different for each of us. Not that any of these things are bad, but if they begin to consume our time, thoughts and activity then they become our object of worship.
We were created to be religious people; which means we were created to worship. Unfortunately, like the Athenians, we fill that need with false gods rather than with the one true God. Is there an object of worship in your life that is keeping you from worshipping God? If so, re-direct your worship towards God alone.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for placing within me the desire to worship you. Forgive me when I fill that desire by worshipping something or someone else. Help me to keep my worship focused on you and you alone. Amen.
Faith Tip: If there is something in your life that takes up a lot of you time, consider taking a fast from it and use that time to focus on God. For example, turn the TV off for a day or two and use that time to read the Bible.
Written by Pastor Aaron Anderson
Friday, September 9, 2011
Healing Words of Grace
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. – Proverbs 16:24
I’ll never forget the time when I was working at a bank and the president wanted me to transcribe a tape for him. He said it had a lot of important information on it. I put it on my desk with a couple of other tapes I was working on. After the tapes were transcribed, I would need to then delete the information on the tape by putting it through an erasing mechanism.
After finishing the tape I was working on, I grabbed the wrong tape and erased it. In fact, I grabbed the most important tape on the desk and erased it. I then thought about what I would need to collect on my desk as I was sure I would be escorted out after my mistake came to light. I slowly walked down the long hall to the president’s office … kind of in a daze. I knocked on his door. I swallowed hard as I walked in and hung my head in shame as I explained what happened to his tape and apologized.
He took in a breath. My breathing stopped. He then smiled and said not to worry. That he would record it again since it was still pretty fresh in his mind. When I received the tape from him, I instantly put it in the transcription machine and the first words out of the tape were, “This has been recorded on a non-erasable tape.”
The grace shown to me by this man of God was so healing to me. I learned a lot about grace that day. I saw and experienced Jesus in the president’s words and actions. He reflected the one he followed.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the grace you have shown me. I pray that I can reflect that to others each day. Amen
Faith Tip: Reflect Jesus today when someone you come in contact with needs that special gift of grace.
Written by Kathy Bruins
Tumbling Down the Slope
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Psalm 143:10
Our yard is not level on one side. I will never forget when he had a campfire with friends sitting around in their lawn chairs, and one friend leaned over a little too much towards the slope. They tumbled down the hill with their chair following.
In walking with God, the path we follow is narrow and there are always temptations to sit on the edge of the incline. We believe we are safe from any fall, but we lean a bit too much towards the enticement and before we know it, we are tumbling.
Staying on solid ground is done through closely following God. Reading his word fills us with the stable teachings we need for the journey. The Holy Spirit reminds and guides us as we walk. Prayer keeps us focused on the right direction. Praise to Jesus for being our firm and level foundation.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for helping me step by step walk the path set before me. I pray that I keep my eye on your light and follow, not being distracted by the pulls of the world. Amen
Faith Tip: Consider all the things you do today in light of staying on level ground.
Written by Kathy Bruins
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Happy Anniversary!
At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. – Matthew 22:30
Today is my wedding anniversary. The years have gone by quickly and as I think back on all that my husband and I have gone through, it makes me even more grateful that he was there to experience life with me. Through the tough times, we held each other up, and through the happy times, we danced.
God created marriage knowing that we would need that person in our life. Our humanness makes us dependent mostly on God, but also on others. God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” God provides for those who do live alone in different ways. God says he will be our husband (Isaiah 54:5).
It’s going to be very different in eternity. There will be no need for marriage for we will all be focused on our Husband, Jesus Christ … a marriage made in heaven.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for my husband. I praise you for being at the center of our marriage helping us when we needed it and celebrating with us during good times. I pray that I can be the wife you want me to be here on earth in preparation for eternity. Amen
Faith Tip: Be mindful and thankful for the people God has put in your life. They are there for a purpose.
Written by Kathy Bruins
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Feeling Safe by Obeying
Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” – John 14:23
What images or feelings come to mind when you hear the word “obey”? If you are like many people, there is an instant resistance to be told what to do. This is part of our human nature and goes against what the world tells us in serving ourselves first. Think of the people you had to obey as you were growing up. There were parents, grandparents, babysitters, teachers, policemen, pastors and more. Although there was a tug inside not to obey, there may have been another underlying feeling of safety. Obeying those in authority that you trust gives you security.
Safety in God’s hands means to obey him. Rebelling against the Lord puts us in danger of hurting ourselves or others. There is no better way that we can show God that we love him than by listening and following his instructions. The journey God has us on is perfect as long as we obey.
Prayer: I thank you, Jesus, for the plan you have for my life. Forgive me for the times I have chosen another route. I pray that today I can listen closely to you and follow. Amen
Faith Tip: Make a choice at the beginning of the day that you are going to follow God. When you are tempted to disobey, focus on God to keep you on track.
Written by Kathy Bruins
9 to 5...it can be so much more
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. – 1 Corinthians 15:58
I’ve worked a lot of different jobs over the years that have helped me grow into who I am today. I have learned that the heart (the attitude) I have for the work makes all the difference in the world in what I am doing. If I don’t like what I’m doing, and my reason for doing it is a paycheck, there is really no satisfaction in that and little honor to God. Knowing that God provides work for me should give it special meaning in my life where I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as God’s employee.
Working for the Lord is the best work in the world. The benefits are out of this world. It’s not just pastors that do the work of the Lord, but we are all called to work for Him. No matter what type of work we do, whether it is a job or working around home, volunteering, or helping someone, it is all work for the Lord. We can give of ourselves fully without fear that it is a waste of time. God has a plan for it all.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the work you give me to do. I pray that you are honored and glorified by my offering. Amen
Faith Tip: Begin your day in thanksgiving for what God has given you to do. Shine the light of Jesus in doing it.
Written by Kathy Bruins
I’ve worked a lot of different jobs over the years that have helped me grow into who I am today. I have learned that the heart (the attitude) I have for the work makes all the difference in the world in what I am doing. If I don’t like what I’m doing, and my reason for doing it is a paycheck, there is really no satisfaction in that and little honor to God. Knowing that God provides work for me should give it special meaning in my life where I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as God’s employee.
Working for the Lord is the best work in the world. The benefits are out of this world. It’s not just pastors that do the work of the Lord, but we are all called to work for Him. No matter what type of work we do, whether it is a job or working around home, volunteering, or helping someone, it is all work for the Lord. We can give of ourselves fully without fear that it is a waste of time. God has a plan for it all.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the work you give me to do. I pray that you are honored and glorified by my offering. Amen
Faith Tip: Begin your day in thanksgiving for what God has given you to do. Shine the light of Jesus in doing it.
Written by Kathy Bruins
Friends of Truth
I am a friend to all who fear you, to all who follow your precepts.
The earth is filled with your love, LORD; teach me your decrees. – Psalm 119:63-65
Friends are a special gift from God especially when they share the bond of love for Jesus. There is a deeper understanding of how important God is through the journey of life. For example, I am part of a Facebook group of women speakers, writers and leaders. In the worldly view, this would mean great competition, but in the godly view, this is a system of real love and support. The truth of God is shared. All of us in the group grow in this.
Celebrate the friends God has given you. Let them know how special they are to you and to God. God has filled the earth with his love in so many ways. When we look at creation, others, and what God provides for us, we experience his love.
Prayer: Lord, you are the God of abundance. Thank you for my good friends and all the ways you care for me. I pray that I will receive your blessings and bless others. Amen
Faith Tip: Focus today on the ways God shows his love for you. Appreciate your friends telling them how much they mean to you and to God.
Written by Kathy Bruins
The earth is filled with your love, LORD; teach me your decrees. – Psalm 119:63-65
Friends are a special gift from God especially when they share the bond of love for Jesus. There is a deeper understanding of how important God is through the journey of life. For example, I am part of a Facebook group of women speakers, writers and leaders. In the worldly view, this would mean great competition, but in the godly view, this is a system of real love and support. The truth of God is shared. All of us in the group grow in this.
Celebrate the friends God has given you. Let them know how special they are to you and to God. God has filled the earth with his love in so many ways. When we look at creation, others, and what God provides for us, we experience his love.
Prayer: Lord, you are the God of abundance. Thank you for my good friends and all the ways you care for me. I pray that I will receive your blessings and bless others. Amen
Faith Tip: Focus today on the ways God shows his love for you. Appreciate your friends telling them how much they mean to you and to God.
Written by Kathy Bruins
Little Eyes and Ears
Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it. – Proverbs 22:6
and even when they are old they will not turn from it. – Proverbs 22:6
As school season begins, we desire for children to have the best education possible. They are so hungry for knowledge and all new information from classes and life that seeps into their pores of education. Each one of us is a part of that education for the children. What they see and experience in connection with us becomes a part of their teaching.
Always be mindful of the little eyes and ears that are around you. Their character is built by the choices they make. The choices will reflect what they have learned from their environment. The more positive impact we can make on these young lives, the better choices they will make. Do they witness honesty, kindness, grace, help from adults around them, or do they pick up on the “me first” mentality prevalent in our society? If you have children, or don’t have children at home, you make an impact on children’s lives. They are watching.
Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for the great examples you have put in my life. I pray that I may be a positive example to children. Help me to show them your love. Amen
Faith Tip: Pray about how you can be a great example to the children. What will they learn from you?
Written by Kathy Bruins
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