Monday, September 19, 2011

Gentle Warfare

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. – Philippians 4:5

On a day of running errands, I seem to come across an abundance of rudeness such as cars cutting in front of me, a service person not wanting to look at my desk lamp I brought in to see if it could be fixed and going to a restaurant with a friend where the waitress seemed to think we were invisible. Gentleness seemed distant. I saw this verse earlier in the day for a reason. I had to mentally play it through my mind in each instance of interactive challenge I experienced that day. I believe it was through gritted teeth I spoke of this verse to my friend in our restaurant dilemma.

I don’t know why we all experience days like this. I do know that the Lord is always near and cheers us on to do what is right. Perhaps it is an exercise of endurance, a test, or maybe just a time to see how far we have come in patience. The goal is to honor God with all we do. Hopefully, next time I won’t feel the frustration as much choosing the road of experiencing peace rather than feeling wrath.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the unending patience you have for me. I pray that I will be filled with your patience and trust you in all situations. Amen

Faith Tip: When you come across a frustrating situation today, remember the verse and choose the road of peace.

Written by Kathy Bruins

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