Monday, July 25, 2011

Delays To Your Destination

“I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.” - Psalm 119:60

I love driving and seeing the beautiful countryside. As a friend and I traveled to North Carolina for a conference this past week, we had an idea when we were supposed to arrive and were able to enjoy the ride as we rode around mountains, across bridges and flatlands. Through communication online, I learned that some who were making their way to the conference via airplane were struggling with arriving because of flight delays and cancellations. It was so frustrating for them to sit and wait for a response from the airlines that would get them to the place they needed to go. Nothing is happening as they sit and wait knowing that there is a lot of great activity going on at their destination.

Our response to God’s call can be like that. In delaying to answer the call, we are in limbo to what God has for us and it is frustrating. Nothing happens, yet there is activity going on at the destination of where God wants us to go. We need to break through whatever is holding us back in responding to God’s call for it is a command, not a request. There is beauty in traveling the journey of our call. We see the wonders of God’s handiwork and many times wonder why we didn’t answer the call earlier.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the call you have on my life. I pray that I will not delay in responding to what you want me to do. Amen

Faith Tip: What is God calling you to do today? Trust him and respond.
Written by Kathy Bruins

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