Tuesday, July 5, 2011


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. –Galatians 5:1

This past week my son, Jacob and I have been watching “America the Story of Us.”  It is a TV series that tells the history of America from the settlement of Jamestown to the present.  Watching this series had made me realize how many were willing to give up their lives to fight for freedom, unite a union, win the west, stop slavery, eradicate racism and create a strong and wonderful country. Those who came before us made sacrifices in order that we might enjoy the freedoms and abundant life that we have today in the United States.  Remembering the sacrifices that were made throughout our nation’s history makes me proud to be an American.

As Christians we also should remember and celebrate the freedom from sin that we have in Christ.  Freedom is never free.  Many paid with their lives to provide freedom to our country and Jesus gave up his life to give us freedom from sin and death.  Freedom from sin is a greater freedom than any political freedom because it is eternal and brings us into the true freedom that God created us to enjoy.  When I think about the sacrifice that Christ made to give me freedom I am proud to be a follower of Jesus. I am proud to be a Christian.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for the freedom we enjoy in the United States and those who gave their lives to give us this freedom.  Thank you for the freedom we have in Jesus Christ.  For I know that all freedom is a gift from you.  Be with those in other countries who do not enjoy the same freedoms and are unable to worship freely.  Amen.

Faith Tip: Celebrate your freedoms and thank God for the freedom we have as a nation and the freedom we have in Christ.

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